Friday, December 9, 2011

God Doesn't Believe in Rick Perry

Rick Perry's most recent campaign video is so heinous that I at first thought it was some kind of sick joke.  

Thankfully, America is still a country based on religious freedom.  That means every citizen has the right to believe (or to not believe) in whatever higher power they like.  It does NOT mean that they have the right to shove those beliefs down the throats of others who hold different beliefs.  Being free to practice YOUR religion must include the right for others to practice THEIRS. 

It amazes me that the GOP candidates spend so much time talking about smaller, less invasive government when it comes to regulating corporations, taxing people who make more money every year than most of the world could spend in a lifetime, and protecting our food supply and our environment.  However, when it comes to infringing on personal freedoms, they are all about being up in everybody's business.  Can anyone explain how this makes one bit of sense?

It seems to me that keeping religion out of government is critical to maintaining both freedom of religion and freedom from religion.  While a theocratic government might seem like a fine idea to some, believers would do well to consider history (anyone remember the Inquisition?), or even to take a look at the horrors that still occur under the repressive religious regimes in the Middle East.  For an example, check out this article about a young Afghan woman who was raped.  When she reported the rape, she was found guilty of a "moral crime" and put in prison (where she later gave birth to a daughter as a result of the violation).  Sadly, this is not unusual in places where religious leaders make and enforce the laws.  It is hard for me to imagine that even the most rabid Christian fundamentalists REALLY want to live in this type of society.  

To end on a lighter note, take a look at this version of Rick Perry's hate ad, much improved by the satire of Second City.  "Rick Perry may believe in God.  But, judging by his poll numbers, God doesn't believe in Rick Perry."  



Jenny said...

"It amazes me that the GOP candidates spend so much time talking about smaller, less invasive government ...However, when it comes to infringing on personal freedoms, they are all about being up in everybody's business."

This really puzzles me too and when you look at the history of the Republican party, it wasn't always that way. They evolution of the party seems to have a great deal to do with racial tensions and sexist views.

Debbie said...

Jesus responds to Rick Perry. Hilarious! Thank you, Funny or Die.